Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Aqui o Natal é diferente. Christmas is different here, or so says the slogan of the local grocery store, Zona Sul. I would say that about sums it up. Ooh, here, squirrels are a Christmas animal, and mushrooms are a key to your nativity scene. What I don't understand is why Santa is wearing a full red fur suit and mittens in the sweltering heat. It's all backwards. One thing, people don't really have chimneys here; don't worry, Santa will get into your living room somehow. I have seen these little Santa-on-a-ladder ornaments hanging out of apartment windows. As far as Christmas decorations go, I was expecting some kind of native-looking Santa wearing a speedo and hauling around a bag full of pineapples and coconuts, but the Brazilian Santa is still the same fat white guy. What a shame. So much for cultural diversity.

The best thing I did this week was go to the birthday party/churrasco/cookout of my doorman, Jarbas. We went to the area where he lived, which isn't so safe, but it was worth it to meet his family and friends. We drank Itaipeva beer, ate lots of meat with farofa and just had a great time practicing our Portuguese. It was also nice to be around a family again. One of the many things I miss! Lindsey, here's your shoutout: you have the best updates on life in Ohio out of everyone. Okay, time to finish some homework and then it's samba night in Santa Teresa! Ate logo.

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