Sunday, November 25, 2007

Plastic Bags and such

Okay the first thing a gringo needs to learn before coming to Brazil is this phrase:

Eu nao preciso de saco.
I don´t need a plastic bag.

As Krista says, "it´s not a question of paper or plastic, it´s paper AND plastic." Literally you order a juice to go and you get a cup with five plastic bags around it. The thing is more sealed than a cholera outbreak. This is the case everywhere. I started unwrapping the bags at the store because I don´t want to waste so much plastic. Whatever happened to the Amazon deforestation issue?

Thanksgiving was great! All the newcomers realized how awesome a giant meal with the people that are close to you is. Good work at the Turkey Shoot-off John. PSsss. Josh, you are the fave to win charades at sibs weekend, so don´t worry.

It´s time to start thinking about travel plans after school is out in three weeks! So close but so far....Right now we are looking at Bahia in the north but we might just stay around Rio after all. It would be nice to stay with Brazilian friends/the roomies for Christmas.

Today I saw 5 monkeys at the Pao de Acucar mountain! So cute. I´ve been waiting to see them just swinging around. Finally.

1 comment:

Annie Mac said...

You saw monkeys! Please they could never live up to John's standards of monkeying around.