Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Boa tarde!

Oi! Hello. Last night the roommates and I were talking about all the never-ending kids songs we used to annoy people with. This is the song that never ends....haha. 99 bottles of beer on the wall. There is a version in German about ants and bees. Anyway, this is the kind of conversation we have been having in our apartment since we are going on 2 days of non-stop rain. I have cabin fever! Yesterday I made pancakes to pass the time (banana-nutella and apple-cinnamon). I needed baking powder for my mom´s recipe (nice and fluffy ones) but you should have heard me trying to explain what it is in Portuguese. First of all, no one eats pancakes here (que, panqueca?) and according to our Brazilian resource, no one uses baking powder. Since this was my first time baking anything here, I hadn´t realized that there is no baking aisle full of powders and sodas and creams. So I am not really sure where all these desserts on every corner are coming from... Anyway, eventually I looked on the ingredients list for a cake mix box and found bicarbonato de sódio (aka baking powder). The employee at the grocery store said they indeed did have bicarbonato de sódio, and handed me a can of fermento. Once I got home I realized with the help of my German roommate that fermento is a mix of yeast, baking powder, and other little secret ingredients. I decided not to throw that into the pancake batter. So, while they didn´t taste or fluff up exactly like Mom´s, it was nice to have some warm comfort food on a rainy day.

Updates for the week:
-Saw Cristo Redentor (giant stone Jesus statue overlooking the city)
-Ate a traditional Brazilian meal (Churrasco misto: pork, beef, chicken with rice, fries, veggies, and farofa)
-Fought with a cab driver trying to rip me off (you know your coming along a little in Portuguese when you can argue with someone)

Thanks for keeping up with my blog, everyone. Anne, I know you are my number one fan, so you get an extra special prize from Brazil. Also, this is a shout-out to Mrs. Reeder, I had so much fun with your daughters this past week!

Last night Sebaastian found out that he is a godfather/uncle. His sister had a baby girl and she is named Floor(flower in Dutch)! If any of the Van Hecke crew reads this, congratulations!


Kato Potato said...

Haha. I totally had my sister send me baking powder and baking soda because the "backpulver" is only like half strength or something... and does weird things that don't result in fluffy pancakes. :P

Annie Mac said...

You tell that cabdriver how it really is!

mark said...

Father Vanhecke is reading this, and thank you for the congratulations, Sebastiaan will be an excellent godfather, greetings to all the ESDI people in Rio, Mark Vanhecke/Users/markvanhecke/Desktop/IMG_5242 kopie.JPG

mark said...

Father Vanhecke is reading this, and thank you for the congratulations, Sebastiaan will be an excellent godfather, greetings to all the ESDI people in Rio, Mark Vanhecke

--jenna said...

i'm an american living in rio and found your blog while looking for 'panqueca' recipes. i know that this is late and that you'll probably never read this, but i couldn't let it go:

your brazilian contact is wrong. baking soda does exist in brazil. baking powder is sold in little red tins (pó royal) but baking soda is found in the spice aisle in little packets. bicarbonato de sódio. whoever helped you out at the supermarket doesn't cook very much...

so sorry to hear that you didn't get fluffy pancakes!