Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Fridge Is Smelly - This is my whiny post.

I am still alive. Contrary to rumors you may have heard (Anne!) It's been crazy here for a while of course. I battled a day and a half of a high fever - 103.6!, a mugging (in front of my apartment- it sucks because I lost my camera but with the stories I hear I'm just glad to be okay) and almost having our gas shut off (the gas man was in our apartment and only left because I had just paid the outstanding bill from march - when we werent there? - whew. Oh and also now our fridge is broken. It smells bad. I took my food out. Oh yeah...I also got pooped on a second time. Not as bad as the first time, just a smidge on my shirt. But still! Seriously. Pigeons were on notice. They are definitely dead to me now. Anyway so the Brazilian saying that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck is definitely not true, because hours later I was mugged. Ha! I disproved your theory, Brazilians. I know I can laugh about it all now, but at the time I was pretty upset. Not only about my camera but about the safety and poverty issues here. There is just such a great divide between rich and poor here but they are all intermingling constantly in the streets and on the beaches. Our coordinator Rodolfo told us to expect this. I pass several homeless children sometimes just on my way to and from school. You know to expect crime and poverty but its different when its literally on your doorstep. I havent been in a complete bubble all my life (Columbus campus isnt that great either, people.) but its still a little shocking.

Anyway despite some minor setbacks I am alive and kicking and not worse for the wear. Tomorrow I fly out to meet my friend Alicia in Buenos Aires. She is studying there too. Check out her blog in my links. She would be proud to know I practiced my Spanish last night with my two new friends from Peru, their names are Carrrrrlos and Niiiiko. They just arrived two days ago and live only a block away. They are here to practice kickboxing. So my next post will be in Spanish for all of you.


Annie Mac said...

Sarah! i'm so excited you get to meet up with Alicia! that's awesome... have fun.

Jennifer said...

¡oye tía!
¡Ten ciudado! Quiero verte otra vez, no muere por favor. Diviertéte en Argentina con Alicia. Te echo de menos y te quiero mucho.