Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Seafood Affair

Outra vez estou aqui! Hello hello. I have been a little bit vacant. Only because I am keeping myself busy with school and new Brazilian friends. This week I have been working on my magazine design and interactive projects.

Rio was hosting an international film festival, so on Wednesday we went to this movie Paisagem Industrialabout a Canadian photographer Ed Burtynsky. I have seen some of his pictures before, but this documentary followed his journeys around the world as he takes these amazing photographs of industrial landscapes. The film was good, but the whole event was just so Brazilian. We went with a guy from school named Alex. The movie was in the Caixa center, which is bank and movie theater, etc. Well, there were people protesting in front of the center, because there is a bank strike going on and Caixa is the government's bank. Anway, the film starts an hour late and halfway through it stops because the portuguese subtitles stopped working. Everyone in the theater started yelling and people stormed out. After about 20 minutes, they worked out the issue and we finished the film. You really never know what to expect in South America.

What else? Oh I have discovered my new favorite place in Rio, it's called Koni, and it's in Ipanema. A fast-food Japanese restaurant that serves sushi in cones. I may or may not be addicted. Basically I can't eat enough seafood here. So fresh and delicious! I'm considering opening one in Columbus when I get back. Also in Ipanema with Koni is a bookstore that we tracked down, Livraria Traveissa. Definitely the best Krista and I have found so far. We love browsing all the books and listening to all the Brazilian music.

I'm really feeling happy and comfortable here. Our neighborhood in Flamengo feels like home and the business owners say hello and our porters always chat and laugh at us doing stupid things all the time. I have a good sense of direction, so I don't feel lost 100% of the time. And while Portuguese is still difficult we always manage to communicate. Sigh of relief.

Right now I am so excited because I have the internet on my laptop. I finally worked up the nerve to take it out of the apartment and around the corner to the internet cafe. I'm a little paranoid about it. This is life in Rio.


mandabuck said...

Heyyyy! Just wanted to say hello. I would totally eat at your sushi restaurant if you opened one in Columbus, sounds delicious. and by the way, happy belated birthday. sorry i missed it, hope it was great! ok, hope alls well ttyl

Annie Mac said...

hello babycakes. sushi in a cone.... what?!! whaaaat? that's sounds crazy and amazing all in one.

Kato Potato said...

Ohh that would be amazing if you could open a restaurant back home from things you've seen there! Ipanema sounds awesome!

Jennifer said...

mmm sushi in a cone, sounds nice. That film festival sounded fun too! Looks like you´re keeping yourself busy that´s good ;)