Sunday, August 26, 2007

Samba and Phunk

So far we have been to a samba club and then last night to a phunk club. Samba was really fun and pretty easy to catch on to. Our Brazilian friends Leticia, Alicia and Maite took us to the samba club and taught us how to dance. It is really different here going out at night because no one is at the club until after midnight, and when we left at 5 in the morning it was still going strong. The phunk club was funny, they remade a lot of bad American rap songs with some trumpet and assorted other noises and that was apparently phunk. Guys here are really cheesy with horrible lines. Basically two minutes after you meet them they start talking about how you are destined to be together and something about the stars and marriage and the beach and they are so in love with you they will die if they can´t get your phone number. Interesting approach, brasileiros.

We are having such a great time hanging out with our roommate family, last night we made spaghetti and meatballs from scratch. I´m learning a lot about German and Dutch culture, which is fun. I am slowly getting used to the city, I think yesterday Krista told me I woke up without bags under my eyes, so maybe now I´m relaxing a little bit more.

Hmmm. Oh, Krista and I are going to learn how to surf. We´ll start with bodyboards and then work our way to surfing from there. We know a couple people who surf here already, and there is a surf bus you can take that stops at all the best surf beaches.

Yesterday there was some kind of party at the McDonalds near our apartment. There was a DJ and people were dancing...we´re not really sure. I guess that people get really excited to eat Big Macs here.

Okay enough ramblings for today. Até logo. See you later.


Jennifer said...

Haha that's funny about the Brazilian guys trying their best to pick you up! It sounds so fun there I'm excited and happy for you ;)
hmmm McDonald's night club? interesting you should check that out...

Jennifer said...

oh by the way can you put pictures up on your blog page? I would like a visual image of your Brazilian adventures! I'm thinking I'll use this site too for my blog :)

mandabuck said...

SARAH! your stories sound so fun! i am so happy for you guys!! i wish i was there with you!!! have fun :)

Annie Mac said...

ooooooh surfing. niiiice. also, this so called "phunk" sounds pretty cool.

p.s. i miss you