Thursday, August 23, 2007

Deus é brasiliero.

My roommates woke me up this morning at 8 screaming that the sun is shining. Ha, we are really excited because Tuesday and Wednesday the it was overcast. So today we are going to Ipanema beach to hang around.

Yesterday Krista and I went to the supermarket to buy some cleaning supplies for the apartment. We asked an employee for a mop (in portuguese of course, no one around here speaks English that we´ve talked to) and she takes us to this aisle full of squeegies(spelling?).
We were confused because there were no mops so we just went home. Anyway, later we hung out with a Brazilian friend of our roommates who speaks English and he said they don´t use mops. They squeegie their floor like we do our windshields. He said he had only seen an American mop on television. Funny.

I´m having a little trouble with Skype because the computers in the internet cafes are usually really slow or don´t have the program and won´t let me download it. I will keep looking. Once school starts on Monday it shouldn´t be a problem.

Oh yeah and we have another roommate from Antwerp. He just arrived last night and no one even knew he was coming. So we are really crowded right now but he is getting his own apartment soon.

I´ve met a few Spanish speakers so it is really fun to talk to them instead of struggling with my Portuguese. Anyway Portuguese is coming along slowly, I am the best of all the roommates, but that isn´t saying much.

There is a saying here Deus é brasiliero. It means that God is Brazilian, which is why he gave Brazil such beautiful places.

Alright well I miss you all! Love you Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

Annie Mac said...

te quiero y te extraño