Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First Day of School @ ESDI

What can I say...yesterday we went to ESDI and took a tour of the campus. It took about 5 minutes. The design part of UERJ (the larger university in Rio that ESDI belongs to) is separated from the main campus. And it is small. VERY small.

We came back today to attend some classes so we can finalize our schedule only to find that two were canceled, and the one that was not we went to 2 hours late. Around here time does not matter so much. Very hard to get used to.

Still, it was good to get a feel for the school environment and we talked to some students too. The second year students we met took us to lunch at a pay-by-the-kilo buffet restaurant, which we estrangeiros love because we can see what we will be eating. Also, there is a school cat named Diana and she and her kittens roam around the campus freely.

If you think that maybe my writing does not sound quite right, you are right. My English is getting worse by the second, thanks to the German and the Belgian influence. Portuguese is improving slowly though. Oh, also the keyboards here are different and for some reason they do not have an apostrophe key so I guess I will stop writing contractions.

Overall though, I am really starting to adapt to the carioca life.

I will leave you with some small bits of wisdom I have learned.
1. Potato chips are called a pack of crisps in Britainglish.
2. Traffic signals are suggestions.
3. Bikinis=Thongs


Annie Mac said...

Sarah! I want a pack of crisps. Tiiiiiime is on your side, yes it is.

P.S. have you set up your own personal internet or do you still go to a cafe?

sarah mac said...

we are trying to get a dsl connection in the apartment but everything here runs on brazilian time...aka either it takes forever or it´s canceled.

mandabuck said...

hey tosh! i am at integrate right now dreaming of rio's beaches! i love the pictures. and how cool you are getting a litte german to your experience too with the jenses. what classes are you taking? did u not bring you laptop with you (because u mentioned the weird keyboards)? anyhow, love reading these! have a good wednesday :)

Nikole Does Europe said...

Hey! I'm enjoying reading and seeing pics!! Miss you guys!! looks like you are having an amazing time! :) xoxo -nikole