Monday, September 24, 2007

Rio Rio Rio -- the good the bad the ugly

Okay, Mom, you may not want to read this post. The other evening while on a walk back from the park near our house, Parque do Flamengo, Krista and I happened upon a crowd in the middle of the street. Very eerie because no one was talking, especially in Rio because the noise is insane here always. Being the curious little gringas we are, we walk up to the middle to see what everyone is peering at. Three dead bodies, wrapped in body bags, laying in respective pools of blood. On the street. There was one police officer there, and a newspaper crew. I never figured out whether it was gang related or just an armed robbery or what. I didnt want to be the loud obnoxious American in that moment. I know murders happen every day in every country, just usually not right near the grocery store I walk to everyday right by my apartment. Anyway, it´s a good reminder that I need to be more aware of myself and my surroundings. I thought it was important to talk about and also to remind everyone that this is the exception, all the brazilians i talked to about it have never seen anything like that.

On a lighter note, I have a hammock in my room now. Woo hoo I have always wanted one. I´m jazzed. This weekend we have plans to go to Ilha Grande, a natural bioreserve island not too far away, for my birthday. 22 years old. Feels weird. Also, Krista and I are joining this gym called UPPER near our house, it´s very elegant and you get in by scanning your fingerprint. Very fun and James Bondish. I´m loving the exchange rate right now.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hóla chica
That´s scary you saw those dead bodies. We´re so sheltered in Ohio. Even the news here is more graphic showing real dead bodies and everything. Stay safe! My dad read your blog this is what he wrote me,
"I went to S Mac's blog as
well. Scary stuff. Tell her I said be a smart white American tourist girl."
Haha he misses you too! love ya