Thursday, September 13, 2007

Post-pigeon Cleanup

Boa tarde. Today is a new day without pigeon poop on my head. Hooray.

We spent the day at the Federal Police to get our visas approved for our stay in Brasil. It was a morning and afternoon of confusion and waiting in lines. All taken care of now, though. Whew!

The bus from the airport (where the Federal Police are) dropped us off near our school so Krista and I came back to check our email and I met with my group that I am doing a project with this semester in my editorial design class.

Finally here are some photos of my school ESDI, escola superior de desenho industrial.


Annie Mac said...

wow celia must really have a passion for her job. i can tell. SARAH I miss you. my internet has been acting sort of weird... getting the wireless all set up but I think it's working correctly now. anywaysk, I love the city and my roommate will be moving in today, so i'm looking forward to meeting her. I love you and i miss you.

Jennifer said...

yo, your school looks nice :)
I am stealing your blog design for my own hehe
miss you! did you know that winter quarter starts Jan 3rd.. on a Thursday?!? I was looking forward to an extended winter break but now it´s all f-ed up. Will you even be back by then?
love you lots