Monday, September 3, 2007


Boa noite, tudos! Hello again from the marvelous city. Today is the first day I have done homework. All of us in the apartment are taking a screenprinting class and our first tshirt designs are due tomorrow. It´s really neat to see the graphic styles of each design roommate. So much inspiration. : ) An update will follow with pictures of our designs.

Anyway...the last few days we have just spent hanging around with the new girl from Germany, Karolina. She has traveled all around Central and South America so she knows alot about being in a foreign country. Her specialty is product design, so I don´t know how many classes we will be in together at ESDI.

It really seems like Brazil is my new (temporary) home because the shop owners around the neighborhood know us well by now and always wave and greet us when we pass by. We have a porter at the entryway of our apartment and he tries to teach us something new in portuguese every time that we pass through. Communicating with home is a little harder than I imagined just because Skype isn´t always working on the internet cafes around my house. Technology and Brazil don´t mix well.

My new favorite beach is this one we found called Prainha. It means "little beach" in portuguese. It took about an hour to get there on the surf bus which we take from right by our house. The beach is very picturesque and while it´s small it is also surrounded by tiny little mountains on both sides and a park behind it. But anyway the surf was crazy with waves coming in the bay from all directions, and three of us (Jens Um, Sebastiaan, and me) did some hiking to get a great view of my beach. Also, Jens Dois bought a surfboard so hopefully I can catch a wave eventually. First I´m going to bodyboard. Baby steps.

What else. Oh yeah. Our grocery store finally discovered that you can put plastic wrap on the meat and it lasts longer and doesn´t make the store smell of rotting flesh. Go SENDAS!

Mosquitos are horrible. Laundry is expensive. Chocolate is expensive. Jewelry is cheap. I bought some new Brazilian shoes. Exciting. Okay I´m rambling now so I will go back and play with my "flatmates."

missing my OSU family! tchau!

ps. check out my friend alicia´s blog. she is in argentina right now. muito legal!


Annie Mac said...

Sentir falta de um hermana

Unknown said...

Sarah I miss you! But it sounds like you're having an amazing time in season here won't be the same without you.
I have skype, so let me know what your user name is.

Love and miss you!