Wednesday, July 11, 2007


i am now in possession of a certified passport. i may also look like a serial killer in the photo.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

hello everyone!

well, this is my first post, and i'm not in rio yet. but i thought it would be a good idea to get this thing up and running before i leave. i thought i could also tell you about some ways to keep in touch among other things.

first, everyone can email me at my school account ( or you can call me over the internet using skype. it is free to download and easy to work, i put the link over to the left. my user name is sarah_sarah_bo_bara.

as for updates on the passport/visa process...i received my birth certificate in the mail with the news that my passport is on its way! hooray! so now i just have to maneuver the brazilian consulate to get my visa. apparently its a huge process and i need a background check and proof of financial viability and such (dad?) but once i get it to the embassy in DC it should only take about four days to process.

i'm just crossing my fingers.